find faith
FIND Friends

we help people love Jesus, church, and each other

Life is
TOO short

Faith and friends are big life topics.

Without answers to the questions of faith we are left wondering things like: Is there a God? What is the purpose of life? Why do bad things happen? We have found answers for the questions of faith, and we think you can too.

We believe that we are made by God to live in community with others. We believe deep and real friendships don’t just make life better, but give us purpose.

Life is too short to not have answers to the important life topics of faith and friends. And we think you can find answers in a place that is safe and supportive and gives you the space and time to find these answers.

We love

A loving and supportive community is an answer to the struggle of life. We love building a community of faith. In this community you can become known and loved by others while you learn about a loving God, a God that wants to bring you joy and purpose in life.



We know the feelings of isolation and loneliness can hold anyone back. But in a loving and accepting community, we have found the support and space to move forward.

We often say, “It’s okay to not be okay.” By that, we mean you don’t have to be perfect or have it all together to come to Community Church. You don’t have to put on a mask or pretend your life is great just to show up.

And we also say, “While it’s okay to not be okay, it is not okay to stay that way.” And by that we mean we want to help you on your spiritual journey find the real and lasting answers to life.

And that is what we have been doing for over 20 years. Every year we do it a little better. Every year we help more people. Every year each of us gets a little stronger. That is the power of a faith community rooted in Jesus.

Community Church Welcomes You

Here is how it works


SHOW UP: Come visit us on Sunday morning. We have a safe and fun place for your kids. We have coffee and snacks. We sit together for a time of singing and a time of teaching. And we do all of this together…in community.


SAY HELLO: We want to meet you. We work hard to try and meet everyone. But we don’t want to miss you. So please, extend a hand and let us welcome you.


STAY CONNECTED: We have learned that attending church on Sunday is not enough to truly meet the needs of finding faith and finding friends. It is in settings made for friendship that we can deeply find these answers. The best thing we can do to help you on your spiritual journey is to both: (1) sit with you on Sunday mornings; and, (2) do life with you in a smaller group. We call those smaller groups Community Groups, and you can join one right away!


We believe Community is for all Ages

There’s something for everyone in the family. Each weekend your kids, newborns through 12th graders, will learn the truth about who God is and who they are because of Him through AGE-SPECIFIC lessons, small groups, and trusted adult leadership.

For us, safety comes first, but fun is a close second!

A message from Pastor DAVE CROSBY JR.

Pastor Dave - Community Church

I love the Poconos and I love Lehigh Valley. I was born and raised in this community and returned here after college to be a part of Community Church.

At Community Church, we like to say we are FOR the Poconos. We want to be known for what we are FOR, not what we are against. When we say we are FOR the Poconos, we are saying we are for you. We want you to find faith in God through Jesus, and find friends that will do life with you on your journey.

We want everyone here to find these things. Why? Because we found these things at Community Church and it has changed everything for us.

Because we found faith, we found purpose. We found a reason for life. And we have found joy in the journey of life, even when that journey is hard.

Because we found friends, we found acceptance. We feel known and loved by people. And that gives us the support we need when life is hard, and the smiles we need when it is time to celebrate.

I hope you will visit us. If you have visited before, I hope you will visit again. We are a perfect place for imperfect people. Please introduce yourself to me if you visit. I look forward to meeting you.

Pastor Dave Crosby JR.