I’m In

God has more for us to do in this world

We are people of faith. Crazy faith

Faith that is crazy enough to walk in total obedience to Jesus, even if that makes us look foolish to the world around us. Faith that, despite past failures and mistakes, steps out to try again.  

what’s next? 

We believe that God has spoken to us about three specific things that we need to do in this next season as a church family that is committed to the mission of Jesus.

  1. Start a Church in the Lehigh Valley
  2. Reach the Next Generation
  3. Replenish the Storehouse

Start a Church in the Lehigh Valley

We sense God speaking to us about launching a new campus in the Lehigh Valley. There are about 850,000 people that live in the Lehigh Valley.

These people, these families, need a Community Church campus in their neighborhood. They are lonely, isolated, and disconnected from God and real friends. Jesus is telling us that now is the time to take this message of hope and salvation to them.

Reach the Next Generation

We are for families, for kids, for students, for young adults, FOR the next generation. That is why we recently renovated the entire kid’s area of our church. While we spent money prudently, we weren’t able to finish the renovations.

Most of the brick-and-mortar work is completed; the kid’s lobby and older kid’s rooms are empty. We need to finish this work so that we can create safe, relevant, kid-friendly spaces where our kids can learn about Jesus and have a lot of fun.

Reach the Next Generation

We are for families, for kids, for students, for young adults, FOR the next generation. That is why we recently renovated the entire kid’s area of our church. While we spent money prudently, we weren’t able to finish the renovations.

Most of the brick-and-mortar work is completed; the kid’s lobby and older kid’s rooms are empty. We need to finish this work so that we can create safe, relevant, kid-friendly spaces where our kids can learn about Jesus and have a lot of fun.

Replenish the storehouse

While our giving is very stable year over year (THANK YOU!), things have become more expensive, we all have heard about the rising cost of inflation in the news.

What all that means is that it costs more money to do ministry than it did last year and the year before. So God has spoken to us that now is the time to replenish our storehouse in order to accelerate the vision He is preparing us for in the future.

Are You In?

Are you in with reaching more people? With serving Jesus? With stewarding the resources He’s entrusted to me?

Are you in for whatever He asks of you?

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